Planning Department
Planning Board
- Wayne Platte Jr., Chairman
- Charles Polacco
- Matt Gillis
- Robert Jacobsen
- Vincent Archer
- Sage Newkirk (Alternate)
- Andrew Harris (Alternate)
- Kaira Grundig (Alternate)
- Alderwoman Sara Pasti, Liaison
The Kingston Planning Office has a staff of four, the Planning Director, Assistant Planner, Senior Clerk and Full Time Historic Preservation Specialist. The Planning Department has several activities that it oversees on a regular basis.
Kingston Planning Board – Regular meetings are held once a month, on the third Monday evening, with exceptions made for holidays and month of August. Special meetings are scheduled as needed by the Board Chairman.
The Planning Board undertakes reviews of site plans, subdivisions, special permits, and curb cut requests. The Board also makes recommendations to the Common Council on rezoning applications for both map changes and text amendments, and provides zoning variance recommendations upon the request of the ZEO. Staff to the Planning Board is responsible for meeting with applicants and/or their designated representative to discuss the process and information needed to make submissions. Our office provides individuals with technical assistance in matters regarding planning, zoning and the SEQR laws. Detailed reviews of plans are completed and site inspections made to assist the Board with the decision making process. Follow-up meetings and inspections are completed with Building Officials and Planning staff to insure compliance with approved plans.
Planning Forms and Application
Listing files in 'Planning Department'
Planning Projects & Meeting Materials
Listing files in 'Planning Board'
Paper Street Sales – Periodically, the City may decide to sell a paper street or an adjoining property owner may request to purchase. The Planning Office works with other departments on the sale of these parcels.
Surplus Property - Contact City Corporation Counsel
Miscellaneous The Planning Office assists with the oversight of a variety of special projects, including the Rondout Lighthouse, various re-development projects and grant administration for community benefit projects and programs, and assisting other municipal agencies to enhance their respective programming and projects.
Subdivision Regulations

Contact Information
City Hall
420 Broadway
Kingston, NY 12401
Planning Director
Suzanne Cahill
Assistant Planner
Kyla DeDea
Phone: (845) 334-3955
Fax: (845) 334-3958
To view the City’s new form-based zoning code and map adopted August 2023, visit