Greenhouse Gas Inventory
As a ‘Climate Smart Community’, the City of Kingston was successful in obtaining a grant to fund a baseline energy assessment, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventories for both the community and local government operations. The GHG inventory report comprehensively examines the electricity, natural gas and fuel used by City government operations for calendar year 2010. Energy data and other information were used to establish a 2010 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions baseline for City government operations. Following summaries of energy usage and cost and GHG emissions data, the government operations information is presented in detail according to the following:
- Buildings and Facilities
- Vehicle Fleet
- Transit Fleet/Citibus Summary
- Wastewater Treatment Plant Summary
- Water Department Summary
- Public Lighting Summary
- Solid Waste Summary
- Employee Commute
Presentation of this information in this manner is intended to assist city officials and the policy-makers in making informed decisions to reduce energy usage, save taxpayer dollars and cut GHG emissions associated with City operations. Energy and greenhouse gas baseline information can be used to develop the strategies and measures in the Climate Action Plan that can be employed to meet energy and GHG emissions reduction goals set by the City.
Community and Local Government GHG Reports