The Snow Emergency remains in effect on Sunday, February 9. All vehicles must be moved to the odd side of the street at 7:00am. The Snow Emergency and parking restrictions will be lifted at noon on Sunday. 


The City of Kingston, NY

    Welcome to the City of Kingston, NY

    Kingston, dating to the arrival of the Dutch in 1652, is a vibrant city with rich history and architecture, was the state's first capital, and a thriving arts community. City Hall is in the heart of the community at 420 Broadway, and is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except July & August (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.).  Come tour our historic City, with restaurants that are among the region's finest, and local shopping that promises unique finds.

    Historic Churches

    Kingston is home to many historic churches. The oldest church still standing is the First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Kingston which was organized in 1659. Referred to as The Old Dutch Church, it is located in Uptown Kingston. Many of the city's historic churches populate Wurts street (6 in one block) among them Hudson Valley Wedding Chapel is a recently restored church built in 1867 and now a chapel hosting weddings. Another church in the Rondout is located at 72 Spring Street. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church was founded in 1849. The original church building at the corner of Hunter Street and Ravine Street burned to the ground in the late 1850s. The current church on Spring Street was built in 1874.

    Kingston, NY

    Kingston became New York's first capital in 1777, and was burned by the British on October 13, 1777, after the Battles of Saratoga. In the 19th century, the city became an important transport hub after the discovery of natural cement in the region, and had both railroad and canal connections.

    Kingston, NY

    The town of Rondout, New York, now a part of the city of Kingston, became an important freight hub for the transportation of coal from Honesdale, Pennsylvania to New York City through the Delaware and Hudson Canal. This hub was later used to transport other goods, including bluestone. Kingston shaped and shipped most of the bluestone made to create the sidewalks of New York City.


    Contact Us

    City Hall Address:
    420 Broadway
    Kingston, New York

    (845) 331-0080
    [email protected]

    KINGSTON LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION                                 


    The Kingston Local Development Corporation (KLDC) is under Sections 402 and 1411 of the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law. The Corporation  is defined in subparagraph (a)(5) of Section 102 of the Not-For-Profit Corporation law and a local development Corporation pursuant to Section 1411 of said law. The Corporation is a Type C Corporation under section 201 of the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law in May, 1994.

    The primary purpose of the KLDC is to stimulate investment within the City of Kingston that results in quality of life and economic sustainability for its residents. The KLDC assists businesses with "gap" financing through our Revolving Loan Program, approving projects that may not be conventionally financed in whole or part. We promote and assist in the growth and development of business concerns within the City of Kingston. Particularly, the Corporation encourages location expansion of industrial, manufacturing, and commercial capacity and the creation and retention of job opportunities.

    The KLDC Executive Director administers the Revolving Loan Program for “GAP” financing to businesses within the City. To qualify for "GAP" financing which can be up to 25% of the total project cost, the applicant must have a Traditional Financial Institution (bank) involved as well as as utilization of their own monies. We also currently offer a Micro-Enterprise Lending Program, Commercial Building Facade Loan Program The KLDC designed their Micro- Enterprise Loan program to focus on capital assistance for small business entrepreneurs, providing low interest loans up to $7,500. The Facade Loan was designed to aide in the correction of blighting conditions of the facade (part of building facing the main street, most often the principal front) of commercial buildings within the City of Kingston. This is a low interest loan with a maximum amount to be borrowed in the amount of $20,000. You can find our loan application to the right (under ADDITIONAL LINKS) **Please note, All loan applications are vetted and reviewed by our Finance Committee prior to being brought before the full Board for consideration. Applications are due by the last business day of the month by 3:00 p.m., NO EXCEPTIONS.

    The KLDC owns and operates the Kingston Business Park located at Corporate Drive, Kingston, NY. The Kingston Business Park is a light industrial park, 107 acres in size and of those acres, approximately 65 acres can be used for the construction of buildings and parking areas. The park currently has two occupied sites with space to accommodate additional sites.

    The Board consists of Eleven (11) members, of which the Mayor shall always be a member and the Mayor appoints the remaining Ten (10) members. Board terms are three years, running staggered from July through June. The KLDC Board meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 8:00 a.m. Should a meeting be cancelled, it will be noted on the City's calendar. The KLDC has returned to in-person meetings currently held in Conference Room #1 in City Hall. Further information can be found on the month's corresponding agenda.


    **April 12, 2024 - May 10, 2024

    RFP 2024-01  Professional Services - Marketing and Website Redesign

    Affidavit of Non-Collusion - RFP 2024-01

    Addendum to RFP 2024-01

    Additional Links


    Contact Information

    Amanda L. Bruck
    Executive Director
    Phone: (845) 334-3930
    Fax: (845) 334-3932