September 28, 2020
Second Round of CDBG-CV Applications Now Open
KINGSTON, NY – Mayor Steven T. Noble is pleased to announce that the City of Kingston received a special allocation of Community Development Block Grant funds in the amount of $256,376 to be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Covid-19. Applications are due no later than noon on Tuesday, October 13, 2020.
The application for the City’s second round of CDBG-CV funding can be found here as well as a budget template. Successful first-round applicants may re-apply for additional funds. All previous applications will be reconsidered even if funding was not awarded in the first round. Applications that may outdated (e.g., a summer program), are welcome to update their application and re-apply.
“We are fortunate to have received this second round of funding that will support so many of the organizations that stepped up during the COVID-19 crisis to help our community members,” said Mayor Noble. “The pandemic has shed light on the stark need in our City’s most vulnerable populations, and being able to provide crucial assistance with these federal funds will help so many across our community.”
Applications should be sent to the Office of Economic and Community Development, attention Amee Peterson at 845-417-3281 or [email protected].
This allocation was authorized by the CV-19 Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), Public Law 116-136, which was passed by Congress on March 27, 2020, to respond to the growing effects of this historic public health crisis.
Application links
Budget template: