The Snow Emergency remains in effect on Sunday, February 9. All vehicles must be moved to the odd side of the street at 7:00am. The Snow Emergency and parking restrictions will be lifted at noon on Sunday. 


The City of Kingston, NY

    Welcome to the City of Kingston, NY

    Kingston, dating to the arrival of the Dutch in 1652, is a vibrant city with rich history and architecture, was the state's first capital, and a thriving arts community. City Hall is in the heart of the community at 420 Broadway, and is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except July & August (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.).  Come tour our historic City, with restaurants that are among the region's finest, and local shopping that promises unique finds.

    Historic Churches

    Kingston is home to many historic churches. The oldest church still standing is the First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Kingston which was organized in 1659. Referred to as The Old Dutch Church, it is located in Uptown Kingston. Many of the city's historic churches populate Wurts street (6 in one block) among them Hudson Valley Wedding Chapel is a recently restored church built in 1867 and now a chapel hosting weddings. Another church in the Rondout is located at 72 Spring Street. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church was founded in 1849. The original church building at the corner of Hunter Street and Ravine Street burned to the ground in the late 1850s. The current church on Spring Street was built in 1874.

    Kingston, NY

    Kingston became New York's first capital in 1777, and was burned by the British on October 13, 1777, after the Battles of Saratoga. In the 19th century, the city became an important transport hub after the discovery of natural cement in the region, and had both railroad and canal connections.

    Kingston, NY

    The town of Rondout, New York, now a part of the city of Kingston, became an important freight hub for the transportation of coal from Honesdale, Pennsylvania to New York City through the Delaware and Hudson Canal. This hub was later used to transport other goods, including bluestone. Kingston shaped and shipped most of the bluestone made to create the sidewalks of New York City.


    Contact Us

    City Hall Address:
    420 Broadway
    Kingston, New York

    (845) 331-0080
    [email protected]

    Kingston News

    12/15/2023 - Roadwork Update: Week of December 18, 2023

    Roadwork Update

    Week of 12/18/23

    Central Hudson: Service replacements are expected to be completed in this project area in its entirety by Tuesday, December 19.

    Final gas main tie-ins will take place on December 20-21 in several areas throughout the project including W. Chester St, Orchard St, W. Chestnut St, Dietz Court, and Augusta Street.

    Wurts Street Bridge: recent work includes installation of mesh panels, concrete placement North barrier, continued electrical work in chambers and lighting, continued steel repairs, south slope grading, and project clean up. Noise will continue to be loud on occasion while steel repairs are performed. The project will be shut down on December 22, 2023 until January 8, 2024. 


    Week of 12/11/23

    Central Hudson: Service replacements will continue on W. Chester St.

    Wurts Street Bridge: Mesh panels on pedestrian walkway installed. Lighting installed. Noise will continue to be loud on occasion while steel repairs are performed. The site construction is expected to shut down from December 22, 2023 until January 8, 2024.


    Week of 12/4/23

    2023 paving season has closed. Streets paved this year include Arlington Place, Cordts Street, Cornell Street, Field Court, Hooker Street, Linwood Place, Lucas Avenue, Madden Street, Main Street, Moore Street, North Street, Pearl Street, Roosevelt Ave, Shufeldt Street, Syzmanski Street, Valentine Court, Valentine Avenue, Willow Street and the driveway and parking lot at Hasbrouck Park.

    In addition, as part of the Henry Street Safe Routes to School project, Henry Street was paved from Wall Street to just past Clinton Avenue, and from Broadway to Sterling Street. Due to ongoing sewer work, the remainder of the paving will be completed in the spring.

    To date, 92 ADA compliant ramps have been completed on Clifton Avenue, Roosevelt Avenue, Walnut Street, E. Union Street, Gill Street, Highland Avenue, Hasbrouck Place, Stephan Street, Smith Avenue and N. Front Street. Restoration work included 110 feet of bluestone sidewalk on N. Front Street and the installation of 40 new feet of concrete sidewalk on Roosevelt Avenue.

    Central Hudson: Service replacements will continue the week of December 4 on W. Chester St. 


    Week of 11/27/23

    Paving on Roosevelt Avenue has been completed. 

    Central Hudson: service replacements will continue the week of 11/27/23 on West Chestnut Street and West Chester Street with lane changes and road closures.


    Week of 11/20/23

    Central Hudson: Service replacements will continue next week on West Chestnut Street and West Chester Street with lane changes and road closures.

    Central Hudson will also be doing some gas main maintenance work at the corner of W. O’ Reilly St and Broadway. Work will continue until we are complete. Hopefully sometime around the end of December or early January.

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School Project: crews will continue repairing storm and sewer at Prospect Street and Henry Street. Paving has been completed on Henry Street from Wall Street to Clinton and Broadway to Sterling. Striping will be completed on Saturday, November 18. The remainder of the project, including the final paving and landscaping, will be completed in the spring.

    Citywide ADA curb ramps: construction of ramps on North Front Street is complete. Construction of the bluestone sidewalk on North Front Street in front of the municipal parking lot will be completed soon. Construction of ramps on Roosevelt Avenue is complete. Roosevelt Avenue is awaiting final paving. Next week will be the final week for ramp construction.

    To date, 92 ADA compliant ramps have been completed on Clifton Avenue, Roosevelt Avenue, Walnut Street, E. Union Street, Gill Street, Highland Avenue, Hasbrouck Place, Stephan Street, Smith Avenue and N. Front Street. Crews have restored 110 feet of bluestone sidewalk on N. Front Street and installed 40 new feet of concrete sidewalk on Roosevelt Avenue. Crews also rebuilt three failing drainage structures on Walnut Street.?

    Wurts Street Bridge: Noise will continue to be loud on occasion while crews perform steel repairs. As long as weather allows and material is available, construction work on the bridge is expected to continue into January.



    Week of 11/13/23

    DPW continues to prep for paving on Roosevelt Avenue from Albany Avenue to Kiersted Avenue with ADA corners and curbs being installed. Paving is tentatively scheduled to start Wednesday, November 15, weather depending, and be completed by the end of week.

    Central Hudson: Service replacements will continue next week on West Chestnut Street, W. Chester St, and Orchard Street with lane changes and road closures. Central Hudson's Uptown paving & restoration is complete, except for the Main Street portion, which will be announced soon.

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School Project: crews will continue repairing storm, sewer and water connections at Prospect Street and Henry Street.

    Citywide ADA curb ramps: crews have completed construction of ramps on North Front Street at Frog Alley, and have begun construction of the bluestone sidewalk on North Front Street in front of the municipal parking lot. Crews continue to install ramps along Roosevelt Avenue.

    Wurts Street Bridge: Noise will continue to be loud on occasion while we perform steel repairs.


    Week of 11/6/23

    DPW continues to prep for paving on Roosevelt Avenue from Albany Avenue to Kiersted Avenue with contractors working on ADA curb ramps.

    Central HudsonService replacements will continue next week on West Chestnut Street, and Orchard Street with lane changes and road closures. Gas main work will occur next week on Staples St, Levan St, and Brewster St.

     Henry Street Safe Routes to School Project: crews will continue with repairing storm and sewer connections at Prospect Street and Henry Street.

    Citywide ADA curb rampscrews will complete construction of ramps on the south side of North Front Street at Frog Alley, and begin construction of the bluestone sidewalk on North Front Street in front of the municipal parking lot. Crews will continue to install ramps along Roosevelt Avenue.

    Wurts Street Bridge: Noise will continue to be loud on occasion while we perform steel repairs.


    Week of 10/30/23

    Next week, DPW will continue drainage work on Roosevelt Ave to prepare for paving. 

    Central Hudson: Service replacements will continue the week of 10/30/23 on West Chestnut Street, Orchard St, and Melvin St with lane and road closures. Gas main work will occur on Montrepose St, W Chester St, and W Chestnut St.

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School Project: crews will continue repairing storm, sewer and water connections at Prospect Street and Henry Street.

    Citywide ADA curb ramps: crews have begun construction of ramps on the south side of North Front Street at Frog Alley. Restoration is complete on north side of North Front Street. 

    Wurts Street Bridge: On Wednesday, November 1, Abeel Street will return to two-way.



    Week of 10/23/2023

    Cornell Street paving is complete. Next week Roosevelt Avenue will be milled and paved.

    Central HudsonService replacements will continue next week on West Chestnut Street, Brewster Street, and Staples Street with lane changes and road closures.

    Central Hudson’s Uptown restoration began this week with the paving of Crown Street. Next week the tentative schedule, weather permitting, will be John Street and Fair Street.

    On Thursday, October 26, the Kingston Water Department will be working on a hydrant at Main and Clinton Ave. Some lane closures may be in place during this work. 

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School project: Henry Street from Wall Street to just short of Furnace Street was paved this week. Crews will continue repairing storm and sewer connections at Prospect Street and Henry Street.

    ADA Ramps Project: construction of ramps on the north side of North Front Street from Frog Alley to the Front Street Tavern has begun, along with restoration of ramps on Walnut Street from Gill Street to Lindsley Ave.

    Wurts Street Bridge: Noise will continue to be loud on occasion while we perform steel repairs. Ongoing work includes: pave binder on the north end, expansion joints, crow’s nest connector ropes, crow’s nest access platforms, concrete removal on the south tower foundations. Continued in electrical work, formwork for barrier at approaches and continued steel repairs.


    Week of 10/16/2023

    The last round of 2023 paving will be Roosevelt Avenue from Albany Avenue to Kiersted Avenue and Cornell Street from Broadway to Foxhall Avenue. Milling on Roosevelt Avenue is expected to begin on Monday, October 16, and paving is expected to be completed by Friday, October 27, 2023. Milling on Cornell Street is expected to begin Monday, October 16, and paving is expected to be completed by Friday, October 20, 2023.  

    Central Hudson: Service replacements will continue the week of 10/16/23 on West Chestnut Street, Brewster Street, and Staples Street with lane changes and road closures.

    Central Hudson’s Uptown paving/restoration work will begin on or around October 18, 2023, weather depending. Streets being paved will be closed to traffic. The tentative schedule is:

    Day 1: Crown St from Green to John

    Day 2: Crown St from John to N. Front

    Day 3: John St from Green to Crown

    Day 4: John St from Crown to Wall

    Day 5: John St from Wall to Fair

    Day 6: John St from Fair to Clinton

    Day 7: Fair St from Pearl to Main

    Day 8: Fair St from Main to John

    Day 9: Fair St from John to N. Front

    Day 10: Clinton Ave from Main to Pearl

    TBD: Main Street from Clinton Ave to Wall St.

    Work will be done daily, weather dependent, from 7:30am to 5:00pm. Most days work will be completed before 5pm and roads will be re-opened. No Parking signs on affected streets will be posted 24 hours in advance.

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School Project: Henry Street from Wall Street to Clinton Avenue is being prepared for milling and paving, which is expected to begin the week of October 16, 2023. Storm and sewer connections at Prospect Street and Henry Street continue.

    Citywide ADA curb ramps: 75 ramps have been installed to date. Ramp construction on North Front Street from Frog Alley to Fair Street to begin next week, as well as restoration on ramps on Walnut Street from Gill Street to Lindsley Ave. 

    Wurts Street Bridge: Continue steel repairs and work on the pedestrian pole foundations. Excavate for sidewalk tie-in on the north side. Electrical conduit installation to continue. Steel repair walkway on top. Form and pour barrier. Work on south tower foundations. Joint installation may begin. Noise will continue to be loud on occasion while steel repairs are performed. 


    Week of 10/9/2023

    Central Hudson: Service replacements will continue on W. Chestnut St, New Street, Levan St, Brewster St and Staples St.

    Henry Street Streetscape Project: crews will continue repairing storm and sewer connections at Prospect St and Henry St. Bluestone sidewalk installation continues along the north side of Henry Street near Pine Street. The road from Wall Street to Clinton Avenue is being prepared for milling and paving, anticipated to begin the week of October 16, 2023. The ramps at the intersection of Henry Street and Pine Street are now installed and awaiting topsoil and seed.

    ADA curb ramps: 67 ramps have been installed to date. Ramp construction will continue next week on Walnut St from Lindsley Ave to Gill St. with restoration on E. Union St from Abruyn St. to Lindsley Ave.

    Wurts Street Bridge: paint touch up continues, steel repairs and work on the pedestrian pole foundations. Excavate for sidewalk on the north side, and electrical conduit installation to continue. Steel repair walkway on top and work on south tower foundations. Noise will continue to be loud on occasion while steel repairs are performed.

    Dietz Stadium: as a reminder, the entire Dietz Stadium site is a construction zone and is closed to all public access. 


    Week of 10/2/23

    Central Hudson: Service replacements will occur on Levan St, Brewster St, W. Chestnut St, and Montrepose St. 

    Central Hudson’s Uptown paving/restoration work will begin on or around October 16, 2023, weather depending. Streets being paved will be closed to traffic. The tentative schedule is:

    Day 1: Crown St from Green to John

    Day 2: Crown St from John to N. Front

    Day 3: John St from Green to Crown

    Day 4: John St from Crown to Wall

    Day 5: John St from Wall to Fair

    Day 6: John St from Fair to Clinton

    Day 7: Fair St from Pearl to Main

    Day 8: Fair St from Main to John

    Day 9: Fair St from John to N. Front

    Day 10: Clinton Ave from Main to Pearl

    Main St – TBD

    Work will be done daily, weather dependent, from 7:30am to 5:00pm. Most days work will be completed before 5pm and roads will be re-opened. No Parking signs on affected streets will be posted 24 hours in advance.

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School Project: crews are currently restoring storm and sewer excavations at Furnace St and Henry St. and will begin replacing storm and sewer connections at Prospect St and Henry St. Sewer work is nearly complete Fair St and Henry St, with minor repairs remaining. Concrete sidewalks are being installed along the north and south side, with bluestone sidewalks being installed along the north side of Henry Street. The two colored and stamped ramps have been poured at Pine and Henry. The two standard concrete ramps will be poured next Monday, October 2. Old lead lines are being removed and replaced with copper as they are discovered.

    Citywide ADA curb ramps: ramp construction continues on Walnut St from Lindsley Ave to Gill St. Restoration is being completed on E. Union St from Abruyn St to Lindsley Ave ramps. 

    Wurts Street Bridge: no work scheduled for this weekend. Ongoing work includes: paint touch up, continued steel repairs, work on upper tower access, stanchion installation, work on the lower tower foundation on the south end, and prep for sidewalk and curb on the north end. Noise will continue to be loud on occasion while we perform steel repairs. Please note: the bridge is NOT open to pedestrian and bicycle traffic.

    Dietz StadiumUnderground storm & sewer utility reconstruction at the entrance drive to the stadium will begin next week. Water main exploratory excavation is expected to detour Hurley Avenue to Schwenk Drive at the tip of Fireman’s Park on Thursday and Friday, October 5-6.

    All municipal parking at the Dietz Stadium construction site has been barricaded off. There is no longer any public access allowed to the site. The construction zone fencing is relocated closer to Joys Lane with a gate nearer to Grandma Brown Lane. Access to/from the stadium entrance road at the rear of Beer Universe and MT Bank will be closed off during this reconstruction. 

    Interior demolition and exterior bleacher removal at the grandstand is underway. Site demolition and clearing is continuing. Harvesting and proper disposal of evasive Japanese Knotweed per NYSDOT guidance has begun. Necessary tree clearing will not begin until after November 1, per NYSDEC Protection of Northern Long-eared Bats guidance.


    Week of 9/25/23

    On Thursday, September 28, Greenkill Avenue will be closed from Prospect St to Clinton Ave. Traffic will be detoured. Work is expected to begin at 7:00am and continue through early afternoon. Please seek alternate routes.

    Central Hudson: Gas main installation will continue next week on Staples Street, Levan Street, Brewster Street, and Delaware Avenue with road closures and detours. Service installations will continue on New Street, Montrepose St, and Delaware Ave.

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School Project: next week, Henry from Clinton to Furnace will remain closed for underground work. Sidewalk installation continues.

    Citywide ADA curb ramps: to date, 59 ramps have been installed. Restoration on East Union next week and construction to begin on Walnut St.

    Wurts Street Bridge: No work this weekend. Next week, paint touch up and caulk, continue steel repairs. Form and pour parapet walls South end, electrical conduit installation to continue and electrical work in chambers. Work on the lower North tower, work on upper tower providing inspection access and work on stanchions. Noise will continue to be loud on occasion while performing steel repairs. 



    Week of 9/18/23

    The next paving project will be Hooker Street from Lincoln Street to First Avenue; Moore Street from First Avenue to Second Avenue; and Szymanski Street from Third Avenue to the dead end.

    Milling is expected to begin on Monday, September 18, with paving on Thursday, September 21 and Friday September 22, 2023, weather depending. 

    The Kingston Water Department's valve replacement project will be finishing up next week. On Monday, work will be on Foxhall and Prince, and on Tuesday and Wednesday, restoration of sites and paving will commence.

    The project will involve some lane/road closures and detours. There will also be water shutoffs for customers in the vicinity. KWD will be doing outreach to the residents in the affected areas, and will be putting door hangers on the homes/businesses that are anticipated to be without water. The Kingston Water Department Facebook page will be updated as work progresses.

    Central Hudson: service replacements will begin on New St. and gas main installation will continue on Delaware Ave, Brewster St, Levan St, and Staples St.

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School Project: crews are currently replacing storm and sewer connections at Fair Street and Henry, and repairing sewer connections at Pine Street and Henry Street. Concrete sidewalk installation continues along the north side of Henry Street, with bluestone sidewalk installation along portions of the north and south side of Henry Street. Granite curb is now being installed along the north side of Henry Street. Underground utilities are being repaired and/or replaced, and old lead lines are being removed and replaced with copper as they are discovered.

    Wurts Street Bridge: Contractors will be working tomorrow, Saturday, September 12, sealing the deck. This work will not be loud and should be complete early afternoon. Next week: Paint touch up and caulk, continue steel repairs, form and pour moment slab South end and form and pour parapet walls North and South ends. Electrical conduit installation to continue, and steel repair walkway on top.

    Week of 9/11/23

    The KWD valve replacement project includes installing new distribution system valves to replace inoperable valves, will allow the Water Department to better isolate the lines in critical areas in the event of issues or main breaks. The project includes replacement of critical transmission valves and improvements to our SCADA system as well. On Monday, September 11, the valve project will continue at intersection of Clinton and St. James. On Tuesday and Wednesday will move to intersection of Foxhall and Broadway. On Thursday, work will move to Foxhall and Wynkoop. The project will involve some lane/road closures and detours. There will also be water shutoffs for customers in the vicinity. KWD will be doing outreach to the residents in the affected areas, and will be putting door hangers on the homes/businesses that are anticipated to be without water. The Kingston Water Department Facebook page will be updated as work progresses.

    Central Hudson gas line replacement: On Monday, crews will be working on Delaware Ave.

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School Project: crews are currently replacing storm and sewer connections at Fair Street and Henry, and repairing sewer connections at Pine Street and Henry Street. Concrete sidewalk installation continues along the north side of Henry Street, with bluestone sidewalk installation along portions of the north and south side of Henry Street. Granite curb is now being installed along the north side of Henry Street. Underground utilities are being repaired and/or replaced, and old lead lines are being removed and replaced with copper as they are discovered.

    ADA Ramps Citywide: restoration has been completed on Clifton Avenue, Prince Street, Smith Street, Park Street, East Chester Street and Hasbrouck Place. Restoration will be completed along Gill Street next. Construction of ramps will begin along East Union Street from Gill Street to Lindsley Avenue and then begin restoration. Central Hudson has replaced a pole at the intersection of Gill Street and East Union Street, and will be relocating wires from old pole to new pole.    


    Week of 9/5/23

    The Kingston Water Department valve replacement project includes installing new distribution system valves to replace inoperable valves, will allow the Water Dept to better isolate the lines in critical areas in the event of issues or main breaks. The project includes replacement of critical transmission valves and improvements to our SCADA system as well. Next week work will take place on Wednesday and Thursday (Sept 6-7) on Clinton Ave and St. James.

    The project will involve some lane/road closures and detours. There will also be water shutoffs for customers in the vicinity. KWD will be doing outreach to the residents in the affected areas, and will be putting door hangers on the homes/businesses that are anticipated to be without water. The Kingston Water Department Facebook page will be updated as work progresses.

    Central Hudson main installation will continue next week on Staples Street, Levan Street, Brewster Street, and Delaware Avenue between Broadway and Hasbrouck Avenue with road closures and detours.

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School Project: crews are currently replacing storm and sewer connections at Fair Street and Henry. Concrete sidewalks are being installed along the north and south side of Henry Street, with bluestone sidewalks being installed along the south side of Henry Street. Underground utilities are being repaired and/or replaced, and old lead lines are being removed and replaced with copper as they are discovered.

    ADA Ramps Citywide: restoration of Clifton Avenue, Prince Street, Smith Street, Park Street, East Chester Street and Hasbrouck Place is complete. Crews will move to restoration along Gill Street. Construction of ramps will begin along East Union Street from Gill Street to Lindsley Avenue. Central Hudson has replaced a pole at the intersection of Gill Street and East Union Street, and will be relocating wires from old pole to new pole.


    Week of 8/28/23

    Due to weather this week, paving on Shufeldt was not completed, and will be moved until Monday, August 28.

    Central Hudson: Gas main installation will continue the week of 8/28/23 on Brewster St, Staples St, Levan St, and Delaware Ave (between Broadway and Hasbrouck Ave)

    Updated Kingston Water Department valve replacement project schedule:

    Week of August 28: Elmendorf between Broadway and Smith Ave.

    Week of September 6 to September 11: Clinton and St. James

    Week of September 12 to September 18: Foxhall between Broadway and Wyncoop

    The KWD valve replacement project includes installing new distribution system valves to replace inoperable valves, will allow the Water Department to better isolate the lines in critical areas in the event of issues or main breaks. The project includes replacement of critical transmission valves and improvements to our SCADA system as well.

    The project will involve some lane/road closures and detours. There will also be water shutoffs for customers in the vicinity. KWD will be doing outreach to the residents in the affected areas, and will be putting door hangers on the homes/businesses that are anticipated to be without water. The Kingston Water Department Facebook page will be updated as work progresses.


    Henry Street Streetscape Project: crews are currently replacing storm and sewer connections at Fair Street and Henry. Another crew is installing concrete sidewalks along the north and south side of Henry Street, and installing bluestone sidewalks along the south side of Henry Street. Underground utilities are being repaired and/or replaced. Old lead lines are being removed and replaced with copper as they are discovered.

    ADA Ramps Citywide: restoration has been completed on Clifton Avenue, with restoration moving to Highland Avenue at E. Chester St. and Hasbrouck Pl. Ramp construction beginning on Walnut St., E. Union St. and Gill St.

    Wurts Street Bridge: No work this weekend, noise will continue to be loud on occasion while we perform steel repairs. For the week of August 28, work will include paint touch up and caulk, continued steel repairs, formwork South roof slabs, electrical conduit installation to continue, and lighting installation.



    Week of August 21

    Next week, the City of Kingston will be paving Shufeldt Street from Foxhall Avenue to Clifton Avenue and Linwood Place from Shufeldt Street to the dead end. Milling is expected to begin Monday, August 21, and paving is expected to be completed by Friday, August 25, weather depending.

    Dietz Stadium is now closed for renovations. The only parking at the stadium is for visitors to the Andretta Pool and splash pad.

    The Kingston Water Department’s valve replacement project is currently paused. The revised work schedule will be updated next week.

    Central Hudson: Gas main installation will continue on Staples St, Levan St, and Brewster St. Expect road closures and detours. On Monday August 21, Bond Street will be closed from West Chester St. to dead end for gas main installation. On Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug 22-23, Mary's Ave will be closed from West O'Reilly St. to Andrews St. with hospital access only.

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School Project: one crew is currently replacing storm and sewer connections at Fair Street and Henry. Another crew is installing concrete sidewalks along the north and south sides of Henry Street, with bluestone sidewalks installed along a portion on the north side of Henry Street. Underground utilities are being repaired and/or replaced. Old lead lines are being removed and replaced with copper as they are discovered.

    ADA Ramps Citywide: restoration has been complete on Clifton Avenue. Crews will now begin restoration along Highland Avenue at E. Chester St. and Hasbrouck Place, with construction beginning on Walnut St., E. Union St. and Gill St.

    Upgrades to the Washington Avenue railroad crossings: Early Tuesday morning, August 22, Washington Ave will be closed at the crossing, starting at 2AM, for 2-3 hours to facilitate the rail being installed through the crossing. On Wednesday August 23, the crossing is scheduled to be paved during the daytime and the road should be opened completely by the end of the day, weather depending.

    Wurts Street Bridge: painting and touch up is schedule for Saturday, August 19. Work continues on steel repairs, electrical conduit installation, and installation of pedestrian rail.



    Week of August 14

    Central Hudson gas main installation will continue next week on West Chester Street, Augusta St, Bond St, and Staples St. Expect road closures and detours.

    Previously announced paving by Central Hudson in the Uptown area has been moved to October. 

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School Project: Work continues on the north side of the street with sidewalk and curb installation. Underground utilities are being rehabilitated as needed in the areas of Pine, Furnace, and Wall Streets. Bluestone installation will be occurring in the area between Pine and Wall.

    ADA Curb Ramps Citywide: restoration at curb ramp sites on Clifton Avenue are complete. Restoration work will begin along Smith Avenue and Park Street next week, and construction of ramps will begin along Highland Avenue at E. Chester St. and Hasbrouck Pl.

    Upgrades to the Washington Avenue railroad crossings will begin Monday, August 14. The Catskill Mountain Railroad's project is expected to be complete by August 24. The work will require Washington Ave to have one lane closed at the crossing. The traffic pattern will remain in place throughout the project. Access to all businesses will be maintained throughout the work. Expect delays and seek alternate routes. 


    Week of August 7

    Tuesday, August 8 (and possibly Wednesday, Aug. 9) sewer work on Washington Avenue between Pearl Street and Warren may cause delays and detours.

    The Kingston Water Department’s valve replacement project, which includes installing new distribution system valves to replace inoperable valves, will allow the Water Department to better isolate the lines in critical areas in the event of issues or main breaks. The project includes replacement of critical transmission valves and improvements to our SCADA system as well.

    The project will involve some lane/road closures and detours. There will also be water shutoffs for customers in the vicinity. KWD will be doing outreach to the residents in the affected areas, and will be putting door hangers on the homes/businesses that are anticipated to be without water. The Kingston Water Department Facebook page [link] will be updated as work progresses.

    • Greenkill at Boulevard/ Greenkill and Washington: week of August 7
    • Elmendorf at the rail trail/Elmendorf and Smith: week of August 14
    • Clinton and St. James: week of August 21
    • Foxhall and Broadway/Foxhall and Wynkoop: week of August 28
    • Restoration of sites: week of September 4
    • Estimated completion date: September 7

    This project is funded with $600,000 from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) and $900,000 from a Water Infrastructure Improvement Act grant.


    Central Hudson gas installations will continue the week of 8/7/23 on Augusta St, W. Chester St, and within the Chestnut Mansion Apartment complex. Expect road closures and detours.

    Washington Avenue Railroad crossing upgrade to begin on Monday, August 14, with traffic control at the crossing. When heading north on Washington Ave, the lane redirections will begin at Hurley Ave intersection and extend northerly over the city line to Sandy Road intersection.

    Henry Street: Crews are currently replacing storm and sewer connections at Fair Street and Henry. Concrete sidewalks are being installed along the north and south side of Henry Street, and bluestone sidewalks are being installed along the north side of Henry Street.

    ADA Curb Ramps Citywide: crews are currently working on final restoration of Clifton Avenue, and will move to installing ramps at Garden St and Smith Ave, Highland Ave and E Chester St, and Highland Ave and Hasbrouck Pl.


    Week of July 31

    Central Hudson: Gas installations will continue the week of 7/31/23 on Orchard St, Melvin Dr, Dietz Ct, and within the Chestnut Mansion Apartment complex. Expect road closures and detours.

    Henry Street: crews are currently replacing storm and sewer connections at Fair Street and Henry. Concrete sidewalk installation continues along the south side of Henry Street. Bluestone sidewalk installation is currently being installed along the north side of Henry Street.

    ADA Curb Ramps: ramp installation continues from Highland Avenue to Meade Street along Clifton Avenue. Construction will begin along Hazel Street and Highland Avenue.

    Wurts Street Bridge: painting and blasting to continue for approximately 2-3 more weeks. Steel repairs to continue, as well as electrical conduit installation, and the installation of pedestrian rail. NYSDOT expects that the loud noise from paint/blasting and the noise from the steel repairs will continue sporadically for the next few weeks and will be completed mid-August.


    Week of July 24

    Central Hudson: Gas main installations will continue next on West Chestnut Street between Augusta Street and Dietz Court and Orchard St with road closures and detours. 

    Henry Street: crews are currently replacing storm and sewer connections at Fair Street and Henry. Concrete sidewalk installation continues along the south side of Henry Street. Bluestone sidewalk installation continues on the north side of Henry Street.

    ADA Ramps Citywide: construction continues with ramp installation from Highland Avenue to Meade Street along Clifton Avenue.


    Week of July 17 

    Pearl Street from Johnston Avenue to the city line will be paved next week. Milling is expected to begin Monday, July 17, 2023. Paving is expected to begin Thursday, July 20 and be completed by Friday, July 21, weather depending. 

    Central Hudson: Gas main installation will continue next week on West Chestnut Street between Montrepose and the dead end and Montrepose and Augusta Street with road closures and detours. 

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School Project: contractors will begin replacing storm and sewer connections at Fair Street and Henry, and this intersection will remain closed. Concrete sidewalks are being installed on the south side of Henry Street. Bluestone sidewalks will begin to be installed on portions of the the south side of Henry Street.

    ADA Ramps Citywide: crews will continue the construction of ramps from Highland Avenue to Shufeldt Street. 

    Sterling Street - Storm water drainage repair work will begin near the intersection of Cedar Street and Sterling Street. 


    Week of July 10

    Central Hudson: work will continue next week on W Chester and W Chestnut Streets.

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School Project: sidewalk work will continue generally south of Clinton Avenue. Be alert for workers and equipment. No detours are expected but lane closures may occur.

    ADA Ramps Citywide: work will continue in the Highland/Clifton Aves. intersection and into Wynkoop and Hemlock Streets.


    Week of July 3

    Central Hudson: Main work and service replacements have been completed on Elizabeth Street and Wall Street. Gas installations will continue the week of 7/3/23 on West Chestnut Street and New Street with road closures and detours. There will be no work on 7/4.

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School Project: crews are installing granite curbing and sidewalks on the south side of Henry Street.

    ADA Ramps Citywide – construction is anticipated to begin next week on Clifton Avenue, with the first curbing work at Clifton and Highland Avenue.


    Week of June 26

    Central Hudson: Main work and service replacements will continue the week of 6/26/23 on Elizabeth Street and Wall Street with road closures and detours. Monday 6/26 we will have Wall St. closed from Greenkill Ave. to Henry St. for Gas Service Installation.

    Gas installations will continue the week of 6/23/23 on West Chestnut Street, New St, W. Pierpont St and Montrepose Avenue with road closures and detours. On Monday, Montrepose Ave. will be closed from West Pierpont St. to West Chestnut St. for gas main installation.

    Henry Street Streetscape Project: crews are currently installing granite curbing on the south side of Henry Street, and concrete sidewalks along the south side of Henry Street.

    ADA Ramps Citywide: crews are scheduled to mobilize on Monday.


    Week of June 19

    Madden Street, Arlington Place, and Field Court were milled on Friday. Paving is expected to begin Thursday, June 22 and be completed by Friday, June 23, weather depending. 

    Central Hudson: Main work and service replacements will continue next week on Elizabeth Street and Wall Street with road closures and detours.

    Prospect St - Gas service replacements will continue the week of 6/19/23 with road closures and detours.

    Gas installation will begin next week on W. Chester St, Mary’s Ave, and Montrepose Ave with road closures and detours.

    Sterling Street Sewer Project: completing restoration.

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School Project: granite curbing is being installed on the south side of Henry Street. Crews will begin installing concrete sidewalks along the south side of Henry Street.


    Week of June 12 

    Paving: the next round of paving will be Madden Street, Arlington Place, and Field Court. Milling is expected to begin Friday, June 16, 2023. Paving is expected to begin Thursday, June 22 and be completed by Friday, June 23, weather depending. 

    Central Hudson: Main work and service replacements have been completed Uptown. Restoration crews will continue working in the area.

    Elizabeth St. from Washington Ave to Wall St. will be closed on Tuesday, June 13 for gas main replacement work. 

    Central Hudson will also close Prospect St. from Henry St. to Franklin St. for gas service installation.

    Sterling Street Sewer Project: paving is complete, finishing clean up work early next week.

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School Project: work continues to remove old sidewalk and prepare base for new sidewalks.


    Week of June 5

    Central Hudson: Gas main work will continue on Main Street between Clinton and Wall St, Clinton Ave between Pearl St and Main St, and Fair St. between Main St and Pearl St. Please expect road closures with detours.

    Sterling Street Sewer Project: Sterling Street from Cedar Street to Henry Street will be closed on Thursday, June 8 and Friday, June 9 from 6:00am to 6:00pm for milling and final paving of the road.


    Week of May 29

    Central Hudson: Service installation will continue on Fair Street between Main Street and Pearl Street, on Main Street between Clinton Avenue and Wall Street and on Clinton Avenue between Main Street and Pearl Street with road closures and detours. 

    Sterling Street: Installation of manholes, catch basins and pipe, ADA Compliant ramps are being installed, Manhole at Henry Street and Sterling Street is being rehabilitated. Restoration to begin next week.

    Henry Street Streetscape Project: crews are removing the old concrete sidewalks and bluestone and preparing subgrade. Underground utilities are being repaired and/or replaced. Old lead lines are being removed and replaced with copper as they are discovered.


    Week of May 22:

    Central Hudson: Gas Main and service installation will continue the week of 5/22/23 on Fair Street between Main Street and Pearl Street, on Main Street between Clinton Avenue and Wall Street, and on Clinton Ave between Main St and Pearl St with road closures and detours. 


    Week of May 15:

    The next round of paving will be Main Street from Washington Avenue to Grandview Avenue, Valentine Court from Valentine Avenue to the dead end, and Valentine Avenue from Pearl Street to the dead end. Milling is expected to begin Tuesday, May 16. Paving is expected to begin Thursday, May 18, weather depending. 

    Central Hudson: Gas main installation will continue next week on Fair Street between Main Street and Pearl Street, on Main Street between Clinton Avenue and Wall Street, and on Clinton Ave between Main St and Pearl St. with road closures and detours.

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School Project: the old concrete sidewalks are being removed, underground utilities are being repaired and/or replaced, and old lead lines are being removed and replaced with copper as they are discovered.


    Week of May 8:

    Lucas Avenue from Washington Avenue to the city line has been paved. The next round of paving will be Pearl Street from Johnston Ave to the city line, which is expected to start on or about May 22, with milling beginning on/about May 15. 

    Central Hudson: Main installation will continue on Fair Street between Main St and Pearl Street and on Main Street between Clinton Avenue and Wall Street with road closures and detours.

    There will also be some gas main work on Crown and John St. Service replacements will continue on Fair Street between N. Front Street and Main St with road closures and detours.


    Week of May 1: 

    North Street from Delaware Avenue to the Hutton Brickyard gate, Willow Street from North Street to the dead end, and Cordts Street from Willow Street to Delaware Ave were paved early! Paving is now complete and the roads are open.  

    Lucas Avenue from Washington Avenue to the city line will be paved next week. Milling is expected to begin Tuesday, May 2, 2023, with paving expected to begin Thursday, May 4 and completed by Friday, May 5, 2023, weather permitting.

    The City of Kingston is working in concert with Central Hudson to help repair Lucas Avenue after recent gas line replacement construction in the area. Due to the future Lucas Avenue sewer replacement project, this paving project will include a shallow mill and a topcoat, which will bring the roadway to good condition.

    CSX will be making emergency repairs on the Flatbush railroad crossing starting Monday. The maintenance work to improve safety at the crossing is expected to be completed by Friday, May 5. Flatbush will be closed during the repair, and a detour will be in place.

    Central Hudson: Main installation will continue next week on Fair Street between Main St andPearl Street, and on Main Street betweenClinton Avenue and Wall Street with road closures and detours. There will also be some gas main work on Crown and John St.

    Service replacements will continue next week on Fair Street between N. Front Street and Main Street, with road closures and detours.


    Week of April 24:

    Central Hudson: Gas service replacements will occur on John St(between Clinton and Wall) and also on Fair St (between N. Front and Main St). Blacktop restorations can also be expected at the same locations. 

    Construction on Franklin Street from Wall Street to Broadway to complete the Franklin Street Complete Streets project. Remaining work is anticipated to be completed by April 28, 2023.

    Midtown Parking Lots: final landscaping and restoration will happen next week


    Week of April 10:

    Central Hudson: Main installation will continue next week on Fair Street between N. Front Street and Pearl St Street, John Street between Clinton and Wall Street, and Main St between Clinton Ave and Wall St with road closures and detours.

    Service replacements will continue next week on Crown Street between N. Front Street and Green Street and on John Street between Green Street and Wall Street with road closures and detours.


    Week of April 3:

    Central Hudson: Gas main installation will continue next week on Fair St between N. Front and Main St and John St between Clinton and Wall St. Expect road closures and detours

    Gas service replacements will begin on Crown St between N. Front and Green St and John St between Green St and Wall St. Expect road closures/detours.      

    For more on Central Hudson gas work, see their project page.


    Week of March 27:

    On Wednesday, March 29, Central Hudson will be working in or near the Broadway and Henry St intersection from approximately 9:00am to 2:00pm.  The traffic light at this intersection will be disabled for a period of time to allow for the electrical work to be completed.  Central Hudson will have multiple crews and flaggers at this location to try and keep traffic moving as smoothly as possible. Expect delays and congestion, and seek alternate routes if possible. 

    Wednesday, March 29, Abeel St. from Wilbur Ave. to Hudson St. will be closed starting at 7:30 am due to water main work. The work is expected to take most of the day.

    Central Hudson has begun replacement of approximately 4,600 feet of gas lines in the uptown area. The project is estimated to take 3 months to complete. During the project, construction trenching will occur along:

    • Fair St, between N Front St and Pearl St

    • Main St, between Wall St and Clinton Ave

    • Clinton Ave, between Main St and Albany Ave

    • John St, between Green St and Clinton Ave

    • Crown St, between N Front St and Green St.

    Next week, gas main installation will continue on Crown St between N. Front St and Green St., and John St between Wall St and Green Street with road closures and detours in both areas.

    Additionally, a gas line repair will close North Front Street on Monday.

    For more on Central Hudson gas work, see their project page


    Week of March 20, 2023:

    On Wednesday, March 22, Abeel Street from Wilbur Ave to Hudson Street will be closed starting at 7:30am, due to a water main repair. The Kingston Water Department expects the work to take most of the day. Please seek alternate routes. 

    This week, week, Central Hudson is expected to begin replacement of approximately 4,600 feet of gas lines in the City of Kingston. The project is estimated to take 3 months to complete. During the project, construction trenching will occur along:

    • Fair St, between N Front St and Pearl St

    • Main St, between Wall St and Clinton Ave

    • Clinton Ave, between Main St and Albany Ave

    • John St, between Green St and Clinton Ave

    • Crown St, between N Front St and Green St.

    Main installation will begin on or around Monday, March 20 on Crown Street between North Front Street and John Street. Please expect lane changes and road closures. For more on Central Hudson gas work, see their project page.