The City of Kingston, NY

    Welcome to the City of Kingston, NY

    Kingston, dating to the arrival of the Dutch in 1652, is a vibrant city with rich history and architecture, was the state's first capital, and a thriving arts community. City Hall is in the heart of the community at 420 Broadway, and is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except July & August (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.).  Come tour our historic City, with restaurants that are among the region's finest, and local shopping that promises unique finds.

    Historic Churches

    Kingston is home to many historic churches. The oldest church still standing is the First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Kingston which was organized in 1659. Referred to as The Old Dutch Church, it is located in Uptown Kingston. Many of the city's historic churches populate Wurts street (6 in one block) among them Hudson Valley Wedding Chapel is a recently restored church built in 1867 and now a chapel hosting weddings. Another church in the Rondout is located at 72 Spring Street. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church was founded in 1849. The original church building at the corner of Hunter Street and Ravine Street burned to the ground in the late 1850s. The current church on Spring Street was built in 1874.

    Kingston, NY

    Kingston became New York's first capital in 1777, and was burned by the British on October 13, 1777, after the Battles of Saratoga. In the 19th century, the city became an important transport hub after the discovery of natural cement in the region, and had both railroad and canal connections.

    Kingston, NY

    The town of Rondout, New York, now a part of the city of Kingston, became an important freight hub for the transportation of coal from Honesdale, Pennsylvania to New York City through the Delaware and Hudson Canal. This hub was later used to transport other goods, including bluestone. Kingston shaped and shipped most of the bluestone made to create the sidewalks of New York City.


    Contact Us

    City Hall Address:
    420 Broadway
    Kingston, New York

    (845) 331-0080
    [email protected]

    Kingston News

    7/10/2023 - Residential Rehab Program for Stockade Business District Residences


    July 10, 2023


    Mayor Noble Launches Residential Rehab Program

    for Uptown/Stockade Business District Residences



    KINGSTON, NY – Mayor Steven T. Noble is pleased to announce that the City of Kingston will launch a Residential Rehabilitation Program to provide grants of up to $40,000 to income-eligible owners of residential properties in the Uptown Stockade Business District.

    With $247,500 in funding from the City of Kingston’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative grant, the Residential Rehabilitation Program will assist eligible residential property owners in making minor to substantial repairs to resolve building code violations, address health and safety hazards, and make necessary structural improvements. The eligible area is bounded by the Esopus Creek and Route I-587 to the north and east, St. James Street to the south, and Washington Avenue and Dietz Stadium to the west. View the Uptown Stockade Business District boundary map here.

    “I’m proud that a portion of Kingston’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative funds will be used to address housing issues in the Stockade Business district,” said Mayor Noble. “I encourage eligible property owners that need to perform necessary rehabilitation activities, especially those that will resolve health and safety hazards, to apply for this grant program.”

    Program Requirements:

    • Award Amount: A min of $20,000 and a max. of $40,000 will be available to each property owner.
    • Match Requirement: Awardees must contribute a minimum of 25% of the project total. Match may be through monetary investment or as evidenced by eligible expenses of more than $500 for building improvements made within the twelve months prior to application submission date.
    • Eligible Applicants: Grants will be available to 1.) Owner-occupied: Homeowner must be at or below 100% AMI ($112,400 for a family of four), or 2.) for non-owner occupied units, rent must be made affordable to tenants who households are at or below 80% AMI. See chart here.
    • Eligible use of funds: minor to substantial repairs to resolve building code violations, address health and safety hazards, and/or to make necessary structural improvements.
    • Ineligible uses of funds: acquisition costs; new construction (including in-fill buildings); improvements to structures owned by religious or private membership-based organizations; or improvements to municipally owned and municipally operated buildings; furnishings, appliances, electronics, tools, disposable supplies, business equipment, and non-permanent fixtures. Funds may not be used for site work or ancillary activities on a property including but not limited to: septic systems/laterals, grading, parking lots, sidewalks, patios, new deck construction, garages, sheds, landscaping, fences, free standing signs, general maintenance or repairs.
    • Form of Grant/Compliance Period: The value of the work funded by DRI Small Grants program will be provided to the property owner in the form of a forgivable grant; it will be forgiven, so long as the recipient remains the property owner for at least three years.
    • Disbursement Procedures: Funds will not be provided in advance. Once the project reaches substantial completion, the City will conduct an inspection to ensure work has been completed according to program requirements.
    • Environmental Testing: Prior to the start of each rehabilitation, the property will be tested for potential environmental hazards.

    The grant program will be administered by the City of Kingston’s Office of Housing Initiatives in partnership with the Grants Management Department. Applicants who are unsure if their property falls within the Uptown Stockade Business District boundary, email [email protected] with the residential address.

    The deadline to apply is September 6, 2023, at 2:00pm. For more information, including how to calculate project cost, grant amount request and match amount, please visit