2017 Safe Routes to School Project

Project Host
City of Kingston
Project Goals
- Improve the safety of walking routes to the J.W. Bailey Middle School, Edson Elementary School, the George Washington Elementary School, and the JFK Elementary School to support and encourage more walking to school;
- Install a new sidewalk on Burhans Boulevard and speed humps on Joys Lane;
- Install new pedestrian signals at Lucas and Washington Avenues, Lucas Avenue and Millers Lane, and Murray Street and Delaware Avenue;
- Install solar powered speed feedback signs and flashing pedestrian beacons in key locations;
- Install improved crosswalk markings and ADA compliant pedestrian ramps in key locations near schools.
Funder(s) & Amounts
NYSDOT - Safe Routes to School Program - $489,000
City of Kingston Bond - $88,000
Project Manager's Contact Information
This project was managed by the City's former Chief Engineer Ralph Swenson, who retired in 2018. For questions, please contact our current Chief Engineer John Schultheis.
[email protected]
Project Status (Updated September 2019)
This project is complete.
Project Links
Presentation by Greenman Pederson, Inc. on July 22, 2015
Draft Design Report May 2015 for the NYSDOT Prepared by Greenman Pederson, Inc.