What are Complete Streets?
“Complete Streets” is a term used to describe ordinary city streets that are designed to encourage people of all ages and abilities, by any mode of transportation to use them. The more than 86 miles of local roads within the City are some of the most heavily used public spaces in the City.
The system must be available for use by everyone, including people in motor vehicles, pedestrians, people who face mobility challenges, bicycle users and people on mass transit. A complete street should have a street-scape that is consistent with the context within which it exists and it should enhance the surroundings.
A “complete street” encourages movement and kids, grandparents, adults of all ages will be active, healthy, feel connected to their neighborhoods and more secure.
Why Complete Streets?
Public policies that are vehicle-centric detract from the healthy functioning of the community and hinder achieving a versatile, high quality street environment. Given that 37% of the City’s residents are under 18 or over 64, we need streets that are safe and accessible for the young and the old. Attractive, well laid out, versatile streets that are well-maintained complement community development and economic development. Besides fostering better mobility, a focus on non-motorized access and maintenance for Kingston's streets with the interests of pedestrians in mind will aid air quality and bolster sense of place and the local economy.
What is the Complete Streets Advisory Council?
Kingston’s Common Council created the Complete Streets Advisory Council in late 2010. The group is charged with advising the city on ways Kingston can implement Complete Streets principles in its planning, design and construction activities.
Additional Links
Meeting Times
The Complete Streets Advisory Council meets the second Wednesday, 4 - 5:30pm, in conference room 1, on the top floor of City Hall.
Agendas are posted in the event on the calendar on the City's homepage.
It is open to the public and all are welcome. City Hall is ADA-accessible. If you need any specific support please email the staff liaison.
CSAC Resolutions
CSAC Rules of Procedure