March 4, 2019
Mayor Steve Noble Announces Broadway and Grand St. Reconfiguration Project
Plans include the acquisition 490 Broadway and the establishment of a public park
KINGSTON, N.Y. - Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to announce the launch of an ambitious plan to realign the intersection of Broadway, Grand St., Pine Grove Ave., and Prince St. to improve traffic safety for motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians. The intersection is known for being difficult to navigate; over the last five years, twenty nine crashes at the intersection were reported, with seven resulting in injuries.
The traffic reconfiguration will dovetail with the upcoming Broadway Streetscape Project, a major overhaul of the Broadway Corridor, which includes optimized traffic light signalization, redesigned traffic pattern, new sidewalks, protected bicycle lane, improved crosswalks and paving. By integrating these two projects, travelers will enjoy a safer, more seamless experience and will reach their destinations faster.
In addition to reconfiguring a difficult intersection, the project will result in the acquisition and reimagining of one of Kingston’s most notorious locations, the site of the former Kingston Post Office. Built in 1908, the Post Office was an architectural marvel. Its subsequent demolition in 1970- to make way for a fast food restaurant- continues to haunt the city known for its historic character. The property most recently housed a Planet Wings.
“There is no doubt, tearing down the Old Post Office is one of Kingston’s greatest blunders and a stark reminder that we must focus on long-term success, rather than short-term profit,” said Mayor Noble. “While we can’t go back in time, we do have a unique opportunity to acquire this property for public use and design the space in a way that honors this lost historic gem.”
Mayor Noble has put forth a proposal to the Common Council to purchase the property at 490 Broadway, demolish the on-site building, and create a public park in honor of the historic Post Office. The property can be acquired by the City for $450,000 and the cost for removal and clean-up is estimated at $25,000. The matter has been referred to the Finance Committee of the Common Council for further discussion.
The City has been working with Assemblyman Kevin Cahill to secure a grant to pay for the costs of traffic reconfiguration once the City has acquired the property.
“I want to thank Assemblyman Cahill, a lifelong Kingstonian, for his early support of this important project,” said Mayor Noble. “We are working closely with Assemblyman Cahill and the NYS Department of Transportation (NYS DOT) to secure a $750,000 grant to perform the needed traffic realignment. We are fortunate to have a representative who cares so deeply about the safety of his constituents and who understands the historic nature of this property. I look forward to continuing to work with our local and State partners to move this exciting project forward.”