Construction Updates |
Week of April 6th, 2020 |
Luizzi Brothers will be setting up traffic control signage, conducting layout and stake out, removing on street parking meters, and storing materials at their staging area. Sidewalk removal and replacement will begin on April 6, 2020 in a block by block manner starting on the south side of the 800 block between St. James and Liberty. |
Weeks of April 13th & 20th, 2020 |
Sidewalk removal will begin on the south side just west of the Mobil Station and proceed in a block by block manner toward UPAC. Parking meters and trees have been removed, and existing tree stumps will be removed. Installation of new sidewalks, curbs, and pads for future amenities such as bike racks, benches, parking meter kiosks, etc. will begin. Also, installation of bases for new light poles will begin. New light poles have been ordered.

Week of April 27th |
Light pole bases and pull boxes were installed between Henry and Cedar Streets. The sidewalk from Henry Street to Pine Grove Avenue has been removed. Excavation for the bioswales and snow storage area between the sidewalk and the street pavement will begin. The area where there will be a new pocket park and re-alignment of the intersection with Henry Street has been excavated. Rectangular rapid flashing beacon pole bases are being installed. |
Week of May 4th, 2020
This coming week you will see additional excavation from Henry Street to the YMCA along the roadside edge, which signals the start of installation of under drain. Excavation is also being done for the bioswales. More new light pole bases will be installed with connecting conduit. |
Week of May 11th, 2020 |
Granite curb installation will begin by setting the grade the new curb will sit on. A two foot conduit for lights and signals in the same area will be installed, and the underdrain and bioswale construction will continue from UPAC toward the YMCA. New pads for benches, litter & recycling receptacles, bike racks, and kiosks will be installed. Various manholes and valve boxes in the construction area will be adjusted.

A bioswale being installed in front of UPAC. Trees, shrubs, and grasses will occupy the bioswale, and stormwater will slowly infiltrate the ground rather than enter the stormwater pipes.
Weeks of May 18th and 26th |
Grading of the sidewalk areas between Henry Street and the YMCA, including the areas near the UPAC, will be ongoing. Curbing and bioswales will be installed. A few light pole bases must be removed, and new pole bases, which fit the new poles, will be installed. From Henry Street going west to VanBuren Street there will be some edge of pavement saw cutting and sidewalk and curb demo. |
Weeks of June 1st and June 8th |
The contractors will continue to grade, clean up, and set up for the installation of the sidewalk from Henry Street to Pine Grove starting on June 15th. They will complete setting the curb in this area, including the pieces with slots for drainage into the bioswales. Preparation of the pad for bluestone under UPAC will be under way. A gutter with a backstop curb (poured concrete cast-in-place) will be installed from Napa to the YMCA. Meanwhile, work of saw cutting and removal of old sidewalk will also continue between Henry and Van Buren Streets.

Broadway contractors grading the area for the sidewalk under the Greenkill Avenue Bridge.