Weaving the Waterfront
For many years, the City has been working with stakeholders and other partners on Kingston's waterfront, from the Rondout to Kingston Point, to improve the resiliency and sustainability of the shoreline, implement an economic development strategy, and develop better access to the river, parks, and open space for people on foot, on bicycle, and in boats.
So many excellent ideas have evolved with help from the community that, in 2019, we brought them together under a comprehensive Weaving the Waterfront initiative. We've secured substantial grant funding in order to implement some of the ideas, including the City's most recent $21.7 million federal RAISE award for the Weaving the Waterfront Transportation Project, which covers five major components. Please take a look at the plans and implementation projects listed below, which include the RAISE components. Click to explore all that is in store for the waterfront!
We launched the Weaving the Waterfront moniker in October 2019 with a community event featuring activities designed to educate participants and gather feedback about plans for the waterfront. We were delighted that so many people turned out to learn about the possibilities — to read more, visit the Weaving the Waterfront Community Event page.
Waterfront Projects
RAISE Weaving the Waterfront Transportation Project
Kingston Waterfront Resiliency Design
Rondout Riverport Shoreline Stabilization and Public Access
Kingston Point Rail Trail Phase 1
Kingston Point Rail Trail Phase 2
Waterfront Shared Streets
Kingston Point Park Infrastructure Improvements
Kingston Point Beach ADA Accessibility Improvements
Kingston Point Wetland Restoration and Public Access Improvements
EV Charging Stations
Climate Adaptive Design Studio
Kingston Point Climate Adaptive Design
Relevant Local Plans
Kingston Form-Based Zoning Code
Community Preservation Plan
Climate Action Plan 2030
Kingston 2025 Comprehensive Plan
Weaving the Waterfront 2019 Survey Results
2016 Tidal Rondout Creek Watershed Management Plan
2015 Hudson Riverport Implementation Plan - a plan funded under the Broadway Opportunity Area (BOA) Program of the NYS Department of State
2013 Parks and Recreation Master Plan
2013 Kingston Planning for Rising Waters Report of the Sea Level Taskforce
Kingston Waterfront Development Implementation Plan
Kingston Local Waterfront Revitalization Program
2010 Kingston Climate Action Plan
Relevant Regional Plans
2014 Hudson River Valley Greenway/National Heritage Area Plan
Mid-Hudson Regional Economic Development Council Strategic Plan
Mid-Hudson Regional Sustainability Plan
2008 Ulster County Non-Motorized Transportation Plan - after clicking the link, scroll down for multiple documents