Hudson Riverport Implementation Plan
The City of Kingston engaged the services of the firm Perkins+Will to produce an Implementation Plan, a Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement (FGEIS) and a Market Conditions Update for 192 acres of Kingston's Rondout Waterfront under the Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) Program of the NYS Department of State as shown on the Project Map. Funding is provided through the New York State Department of State and local match sources. The City of Kingston is followed through on the required SEQR process with the Common Council taking on lead agency status.
The Common Council determined by resolution on October 6, 2015 that the Implementation Plan/Draft GEIS was complete and ready for public review and set a public hearing date. The comment period spanned October 8th through November 23rd with a public hearing on November 12th in Kingston City Hall Common Council Chambers.
As of December 3, 2015 the Common Council adopted the plan and issued a Negative Declaration, the process is complete. Here is the Notice of Completion and the Resolution of the City of Kingston Common Council.
Here are links to the three volume set of pdf files that make up the "City of Kingston Brownfield Opportunity Area Step 3 Implementation Plan and Generic Environmental Impact Statement" for 192 acres of Kingston Waterfront on the Rondout Creek and Hudson River along a set of three appendices.
There was an important meeting in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 featuring a Visioning Session and Scoping Session to pull in feedback from the community. Here are the documents, revised based on comments received, that have been used to guide a continuing planning process going forward. Please have a look and comment!
Here is the interim document as of July 2015:
See the SEQR Documentspage for other documents that are part of this process.
To read more about this team please see
To download draft documents and to get more detail please see the SEQR Documents Page
The BOA study area, located on the Rondout Waterfront in the City of Kingston, has benefited from significant planning and implementation efforts to date. The City of Kingston adopted a Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan (LWRP) in 1992, and a LWRP Implementation Plan (LWRIP) in 2003. The LWRIP was developed with significant public input and involved area residents, business owners, property owners, governmental agencies and advocacy groups. The LWRIP sets and advances goals and objectives for waterfront redevelopment along the Rondout Creek and Hudson River waterfronts in the City of Kingston. The Hudson Riverport process will take it a step further as we develop a vision for the waterfront.
In addition there is a completed BOA Step 2 Report and several other waterfront related planning and design documents that are available to provide a foundation for this work. This BOA funding will be utilized to advance these plans to a finer level of detail and complete a full GEIS for the project area. Reference documents that support this effort include, but are not limited to:
You may want to take a look at New York Water Resources Institute's page on Helping Communities Become More Climate Resilient....