Midtown Safe Routes to School: Henry Street

Existing conditions of sidewalks on Henry Street in November 2018
Project Host
City of Kingston
Project Goals
- Reconstruct ADA accessible sidewalks along Henry Street
- Construct bicycle infrastructure (type to be determined in design) to improve safety for bicyclists along Henry Street
- Enhance safety of crossings
- Install a covered bicycle rack at the George Washington School to encourage and support bicycling to school
Funder(s) & Amounts
NYSDOT - $1,348,524
City of Kingston Bond- $337,132
Project Manager's Contact Information
John Schultheis
City Engineer
Project Status (Updated March 2019)
The City-NYSDOT contract for the project has been executed. The NYSDOT procurement process for selection of the design and engineering consultant was completed. The selected firm is Greenman Pederson, Inc (GPI). A City-GPI contract for design and engineering services has been executed. GPI has begun survey work on the street, and a kick-off meeting with NYSDOT to discuss the design process and project schedule was held in November 2018. A Project Advisory Committee of local people was assembled by the City and began meeting in early 2019 to discuss the design process. The Project Advisory Committee reviewed alternatives presented by GPI and came to a consensus on the preferred alternative design. A public meeting is scheduled for March 5th, 2019 at 4:30 pm at the George Washington School to review the preferred alternative and get feedback from the public. Snow date for the March 5th meeting is March 12th. Click the link below for more details on the public meeting. It is anticipated that design will be complete in the fall of 2019 and that construction will take place in 2020.
Project Links
Proposed Design Henry Street Safe Routes to School - typical section
Proposed Design Henry Street Safe Routes to School - aerial view
Proposed Streetscape Options Henry Street Safe Routes to School - vote!
Survey to Submit Feedback on Project and Design
February 21, 2019 Press Release for Public Meeting